Untitled (Souvenir) (2019)


A group work created by Pam Tanowitz using her signature style to manipulate phrases from some of Graham’s lesser-known works.

Choreography: Pam Tanowitz Music: Caroline Shaw

Secular Games (1962)


A comedic look at the universal antics of humans trying to impress each other.

Music: Robert Starer
Set: Marion Kinsella
Costumes: Martha Graham

Herodiade (1944)


A woman struggles with choices of independence and empowerment while another tries to contain her.

Music: Paul Hindemith
Set: Isamu Noguchi
Costumes: Edythe Gilfond

El Penitente (1940)


With a modernist style evoking primitive or naïve art come to life, this dramatization is based on the rituals of the American Southwest. We see a troupe of strolling players enact vignettes from the Bible.

Music: Louis Horst
Set: Isamu Noguchi

Chronicle (1936)


Graham’s stirring response to the rise of fascism in 1936 and to the unmatched power of the collective will.

Music: Wallingford Riegger
Set: Isamu Noguchi
Costumes: Martha Graham

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