Martha Graham Resources licenses Graham ballets, and offers access to historic materials, opening its collection to researchers, educators, students, and performers worldwide by appointment.

Canticle for Innocent Comedians

Licensing Partnerships

This page includes details about our licensing program and many of the Martha Graham classics that may be of interest to you. Once you’ve had an opportunity to explore, we’d be happy to make a phone date to discuss possibilities.  Please contact Joyce Herring, Director of Martha Graham Resources


Martha Graham Resources, a division of the Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance, licenses Graham ballets to professional dance companies and educational institutions. All licensing projects are directed by a professional regisseur selected and trained by the Center. The Center also provides a Toolkit containing a comprehensive collection of reconstruction and educational materials that support the rehearsal process and help engage the dancers in the work. Resources can arrange for the rental of iconic Noguchi sets/props and company-quality costumes to support performances of the highest artistry.

Professional Licensing

Professional dance companies around the world have licensed the masterworks of Martha Graham. Recent partners include American Ballet Theatre, Paul Taylor Dance Company, and the Royal Ballet of Flanders. Martha Graham Resources can customize projects that meet your company’s needs, and will provide top-level Graham regisseurs and reconstruction materials that support performances of the highest artistic authenticity.

College and University Licensing

More than 100 colleges and universities have staged Graham reconstructions, providing students with a deep understanding of Graham’s pioneering movement vocabulary by experiencing its expressive power onstage. Student productions are geared toward beginning, intermediate or advanced dancers, and licensees receive training in Martha Graham TechniqueTM in support of performances.

High School Licensing

Special consideration is given to qualified high schools licensing a Martha Graham work. Licensees receive training in Martha Graham Technique TM and repertory. Students will gain an understanding of Graham’s vocabulary by experiencing its expressive power and athleticism.

University Partners Showcase

Licensees from both University and High School dance programs may be invited to participate in the biennial University Partners Showcase, performing in New York City on the Martha Graham Dance Company stage. Students may perform Graham classics or works by other contemporary choreographers that reflect the Graham Company’s season theme.

Submit the completed form to  For more information, call 212-229-9200 x19.


Film / Photographs Licensing

Martha Graham Resources hosts a substantial digital archive documenting over 90 years of Graham related materials. We provide limited access to individuals and organizations interested in licensing photographs and film footage. To request materials: please complete a License Request Form and submit a non-refundable research fee of $150 (to be applied to licensing fee).

Submit the completed form to  For more information, call 212-229-9200.

Costume / Set / Material Licensing

Martha Graham Resources houses select historic items, which are available to museums, educational institutions, publications, and presenters or licensees. To request materials: please complete a License Request Form and submit a non-refundable research fee of $150 (to be applied to licensing fee).

Submit the completed form to  For more information, call 212-229-9200.

On-Site Research

Martha Graham Resources provides limited access to the archival collection for scholarly research and/or special projects on a fee-for-service basis. Individuals and organizations interested in on-site access to the archives are asked to complete a Research Request Form and submit a fee of $100 for two hours of access to the archive and staff assistance ($50 fee for each successive hour).

Submit the completed form to  For more information, call 212-229-9200.


Members of the press and researchers interested in speaking with dancers who worked directly with Martha Graham or the Company may arrange for an on-site or remote interview. Please contact to inquire.


Martha Graham Resources welcomes donations of historic and archival materials related to Martha Graham and the Company. Past donations have included programs, photographs, films, personal collections, books, magazines and correspondence. Donations are tax-deductible. Donors are asked to complete a Donation Inventory List prior to submitting. Please contact to inquire.